In a Mother's Memory, a Cross-Country Journey for Brain Tumor Research

Peter with Dr. DiNaopli

Peter (L) with Dr. Vince DiNapoli

Peter Carr's love of cycling began when he was a teenager. When he was 13 years old, he dreamed about one day biking across the United States. Over the years he gave voice to the idea, and it gradually began to take form.

This August, Peter will pursue that dream while raising money for a cause near to his heart. Peter's mother, Jenny, recently passed away from glioblastoma multiforme, a virulent form of brain cancer, and Peter is using his ride to raise funds for glioblastoma research.

Throughout Jenny's treatment, she remained positive, cherishing the time she had left. She traveled the world, reconnected with old friends, and dutifully cheered on her three children at their personal milestones. Toward the end of Jenny's treatment, she even wrote a children's book, Vincent the Dragon Slayer, as a tribute to her Mayfield neurosurgeon, Dr. Vincent DiNapoli. Jenny noted in her book that she was grateful for the treatments she received, knowing that while there was not a cure, she was given the gift of time with her family and friends.

Like his mother, Peter remains enthusiastic, positive, and optimistic. He took his mother's advice to cherish time and do something positive. For this reason Peter is embarking on his ambitious, self-supported ride from Maine to Los Angeles. He hopes the money he raises will support a scientific breakthrough or perhaps a cure.

Peter graciously chose the Mayfield Education & Research Foundation as the beneficiary of his sponsorships and donations. The Mayfield Foundation is honored to be a part of this journey, and we hope you will join us in support of Peter's ride.